Qué es STEAM en educación y cómo se aplica en SLAM
The STEAM method in education is gaining followers over time. This formula, which emerged years ago in the United States, seeks to promote learning from a problem-solving pedagogical approach. The model encourages student independence and is based on taking advantage of the collaborative work that characterizes science and engineering.
Today we tell you what STEAM is as a form of education and how we put it into practice at SLAM School.

What is STEAM
STEAM education derives directly from the disciplines that make up this method. In fact, STEAM is the acronym for “science, technology, engineering, arts and maths”, in other words: science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics.
The idea of this pedagogical approach is to promote technical-scientific and artistic education at all educational stages, but from an integrated and cross-cutting perspective.
The methodology is eminently practical, and in fact it initially appeared as a formula aimed more at scientific learning, but later the humanistic vision of the arts was also added.
The STEAM system proposes a type of project-based learning in which the student must participate actively and collaboratively. When well designed, students gain skills and autonomy, become more creative and acquire the ability to make decisions effectively.
This model replicates in the classroom the ways that are developed in science: asking questions, examining objects, investigating background and inquiring about needs. From there, hypotheses are posed to seek answers and start the process all over again.
Even if the answers are wrong, they are interesting, because they give rise to new questions that change the perspective of the problem. The main characteristic of the STEAM model is the promotion of a critical spirit based on a logical and mathematical approach to the problem.
Teamwork, assertiveness and autonomy are essential in this methodology. In short, it is about carrying out a real and effective transfer of the weight and leadership of classroom work. The teacher loses the dominant role typical of more traditional pedagogical approaches.
How this method of education works in SLAM
At SLAM we develop STEAM learning focused especially on students with high abilities. Our goal is to get children and young people involved in all participating disciplines: science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics to develop intellectually and professionally.
From the sciences we take the scientific method in its power to acquire analytical thinking. Technology teachings help students to become problem solvers. Engineering strengthens their design, prototyping and testing skills. From mathematics, the big learning is logical reasoning and data analysis.
Finally, art involves creative expression and the use of media in different formats to express emotions and communicate ideas.
Our approach to the STEAM method in education leads students to approach real-world problems to apply the learning acquired in conflict resolution.
With all this, at SLAM we seek to train tomorrow’s leaders capable of exploiting their talent without renouncing their personality, always focusing on creative capacity, collaborative work and innovation.
Benefits of the STEAM method
Education based on science and technology areas, when coupled with the humanistic character of the arts, can achieve good child development. When STEAM programs are well-designed, students’ leadership and project-solving skills are strengthened.
These methods work with a project-based approach, so that the practical application of what is learned stimulates the development of new skills. The focus is on the students, so that the teacher does not have a clear position of dominance, but is more of a figure that directs learning. All in all, this system contributes to numerous benefits.
Awakening interest in and adoption of technology from an early age
With STEAM education, children become more motivated in disciplines such as science and technology. Early exposure to these areas increases their options to explore these subjects as they get older.
Learning by doing
Educational projects based on this methodology, such as the ones we offer at SLAM School, offer students the possibility to actively participate in their education, to learn from experience. STEAM brings together all those disciplines that stimulate cognitive development.
Promotes critical thinking
The projects that are part of STEAM curricula force students to think systematically and analytically. The idea is to arrive at the best possible solution by introducing a critical criterion that is stimulated through visions from different optics or perspectives.
Art as a reinforcement of creativity
The inclusion of applied arts in the STEAM method allows children to develop their creative thinking and acquire a broader and more flexible vision. This already enriches them for a future marked by uncertainty.
This vision of education constantly requires collaboration among equals. Dialogue among students is fundamental, because it helps to reach different points of view and increases the group’s capacity for resolution. Listening to peers is as important as proposing improvements, but always with mutual respect and understanding.
Now you know what STEAM is in education and how we try to introduce it in our teaching system at SLAM School. The purpose of our center is to train the leaders of the future and to accompany their educational training hand in hand with sports, with disciplines as relevant as soccer, golf, horse riding or sailing.